PHP generation of invoice issuing data for Yamato Transport's B2 Cloud
I would like to export an XLSX file of Yamato Transport's B2Cloud invoice issuance data using PhpSpreadsheet .
The specifications are as follows
B2Cloud invoice issuance data layout for input/output (PDF)
The specifications are as follows
B2Cloud invoice issuance data layout for input/output (PDF)
Install PhpSpreadsheet
First, install PhpSpreadsheet with Composer.
composer install
composer install
"require": {
"phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.23"
PHP Code
There are no particular difficulties, but be careful not to mistake lines because there are many items.
The sample does not fill in all items, so if you need more items, add them based on the specifications.
If you have multiple delivery addresses, add data to the $data array.
In practice, you would get the data from a database or other source in a loop.
The sample does not fill in all items, so if you need more items, add them based on the specifications.
If you have multiple delivery addresses, add data to the $data array.
In practice, you would get the data from a database or other source in a loop.
$results = [];
$results[] = [
'品名コード1 ',
$file_name = 'b2.xlsx';
$product_no = '商品番号001';
$product_name = '商品名';
$data = [];
$data[] = '1'; // A:オーダーNo
$data[] = '0';
$data[] = '0';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '2022/07/13';
$data[] = '最短日';
$data[] = '0812';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '03-0000-0002';
$data[] = ''; // J
$data[] = '100-0001'; // K
$data[] = '東京都千代田区'; // L
$data[] = '○○町1-1-1'; // M
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '名前太郎'; // P
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '様'; // R
$data[] = '1'; // S:依頼主コード
$data[] = '03-0000-0001'; // T:ご依頼主電話番号
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '150-0041';
$data[] = '東京都渋谷区○○1-1-1';
$data[] = '○○ビル1F';
$data[] = '○○株式会社';
$data[] = ''; // Z
$data[] = substr($product_no, 0, 30); // AA:品名コード1
$data[] = mb_substr($product_name, 0, 25); // AB:品名1
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = 'ナマモノ'; // AE
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '記事'; // AG:記事
$data[] = '3800'; // AH
$data[] = ''; // AI
$data[] = '0'; // AJ
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '1'; // AL:発行枚数
$data[] = '3'; // AM:個数口表示フラグ
$data[] = '0311111111'; // AN:請求先顧客コード
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '01'; // AP:運賃管理番号
$data[] = '0'; // AQ
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = ''; // AU
$data[] = '1'; // AV:お届け予定eメール利用区分
$data[] = ''; // AW
$data[] = '1'; // AX
$data[] = '○○株式会社オンラインストアでご注文頂いた商品を本日クロネコヤマトで発送致しました。'; // AY
$data[] = '0'; // AZ
$data[] = ''; // BA
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = ''; // CA
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$data[] = '';
$results[] = $data;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$sheet->fromArray($results, NULL, 'A1', TRUE);
$writer = new Xlsx($spreadsheet);
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file_name . '"');
header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Expires: 0');
Excel file to be downloaded
At the end.
If you want to use it in a local environment, you will need docker, etc. (For mac, you can use Sites.) (For mac, Sites can be used.)
The PHP code data is a sample. Please do not use it as is. (Please do not use it as is.)
Please rewrite everything based on the specifications.
The PHP code data is a sample. Please do not use it as is. (Please do not use it as is.)
Please rewrite everything based on the specifications.
- C:blanc
- I am a freelance programmer.
Submitted. Comments will appear after approval.